
Employee Review System SharePoint Solution

Does your organization conduct regular performance reviews?
Would you like to have a fully automatic system in SharePoint?

In our next webinar, we will demonstrate a complete SharePoint Solution template that is included in Ultimate Forms.

We will demonstrate an Employee Review System built in SharePoint with these key features:

  • Automatically schedule reviews for each employee
  • Visual dashboard management
  • Progress indicators and KPI flags
  • Automated email reminders and follow up
  • Streamlined workflow process
  • Goal planning and accomplishments
  • Customized PDF report output
August 15th, 2024, 11:00 AM Eastern
Aired: 18-Jul-2024 | Webinar |  Install | Description

Form building is essential for business solutions built in SharePoint. A reliable easy-to-use platform to build out business solutions is necessary. Power Apps is the form building platform provided with out-of-the-box Microsoft 365. At first, this seems like a great opportunity. It is an advanced platform that can accommodate complex business requirements. However, there is a major downside: Power Apps requires complex programming.

Infowise Ultimate Forms is an alternative platform that can replace Power Apps to build custom forms solutions with no code. Even better – you can build your solution entirely within SharePoint.

Key benefits include:

  • Simple UI based form configuration
  • No code snippets needed
  • Drag and drop interface
  • Dynamic rules-based customization
  • Easily change the look and feel
  • AI Helper forms features
  • Directly integrated with SharePoint

After the webinar, you can download the complete solution and try it yourself!

Aired: 13-Jun-2024 | Webinar |  Install | Description

All organizations should have a user-friendly support form on their public website. The problem is that this isn’t connected with SharePoint and does not include advanced features.

Using the External Forms feature in Ultimate Forms you can create a form in SharePoint that can be shown on your public website. In this way you can manage support requests entirely from a SharePoint list where you can quickly make updates and monitor progress.

You can set up a form loaded with dynamic functionality:

  • Automatic email notifications
  • Show and hide form sections based on user response
  • Dynamic routing based on the request
  • Manage requests and assign to team members in SharePoint
  • Dynamic Dashboard indicators to track ticket progress
  • Use smart AI Helper features for improved efficiency
  • Manage your support process entirely from SharePoint

After the webinar, you can download the complete solution and try it yourself!

Aired: 16-May-2024 | Webinar |  Install | Description

Building custom forms using the power of AI is an exciting new opportunity. We can speed up the development process as well as provide user friendly AI form features for better results.

Using Ultimate Forms, creating new forms with as many 50 fields can be done in a few minutes with our new AI Form Generation Tool. Enter a prompt describing your use case, and the tool automatically generates pre-configured fields including dropdown choices and repeating lists to match your business needs.

Please join us as we demonstrate the power of AI Form Creation using Ultimate Forms. Learn how to be efficient and effective when creating forms by using the power of AI:

  • Repeating sections
  • Summary columns
  • Column permissions
  • Advanced validation rules
  • Dynamic rules and default value rules
  • Advanced modern forms

After the webinar, you can download the complete solution and try it yourself!

Aired: 18-Apr-2024 | Webinar |  Install | Description

Every organization needs a way to track IT support requests. There are plenty of canned solutions out there, but why not set up your system using SharePoint?

Using Ultimate Forms, you can build your own system including the exact functionality and fields required. The best part is how easy it is to set up your system to work exactly the way you need.

Please join us as we demonstrate a fully customizable Help Desk Solution which allows for automated tracking of IT support requests with a dynamic interface for users, IT Support Team, and Managers:

  • Fast and easy intake form for new requests.
  • Automatic email notifications for progress updates.
  • Dynamic dashboards with KPI Indicators and real time tracking.
  • Security controlled form sections for IT Staff and IT Manager.
  • Dynamic validation rules to ensure complete information on submit.
  • Automatic history tracking for all updates.
  • Aging and past due indicators to reveal overdue requests.

After the webinar, you can download the complete solution and try it yourself!

Aired: 14-Mar-2024 | Webinar |  Install | Description

Calendars are a critical tool for coordinating with your team. It is essential to have a calendar which is fully customizable which allows for many options to display event related information. The out-of-the-box SharePoint calendar is limited to only basic options. Luckily there is an easy-to-use calendar option that goes far beyond what is possible in out-of-the-box SharePoint.

Please join us as we demonstrate a fully customizable calendar packed with features using Infowise Ultimate Forms:

  • Highlight event color based on choice field.
  • Include icons for different event types.
  • Switch between day, week, month, and Gantt views.
  • Include search and filter controls to easily locate events.
  • Set up automatically reoccurring events.
  • Set up automated email notifications for events.
  • Provide detail information when hovering over events.
  • Set more configuration options to adjust to your own requirements.

After the webinar, you can download the complete solution and try it yourself!

Aired: 22-Feb-2024 | Webinar |  Install | Description

SharePoint is the ideal place to manage projects. Users can easily collaborate and share files as well as provide updates to their team. Setting up a system which allows for visualized tracking of information is essential to increase user engagement and to better track overall progress.

Please join us as we demonstrate a complete visual project management system:

  • Gantt Charts for project tracking
  • Custom month view calendar
  • Progress bars and colored KPI flags
  • Date tracking with color coding
  • Automated document management
  • Project task assignments with email reminders
  • Beautiful dashboards with summary data
  • Project history tracking

After the webinar, you can download the complete solution and try it yourself!

Aired: 18-Jan-2024 | Webinar |  Install | Description

Every organization needs a system for training employees and an efficient way to track it. SharePoint is the perfect platform for your own custom Learning Management System (LMS). A centralized hub where all employees can access training is essential to the training and development of your employees.

Please join us as we demonstrate how to add your own system with these features:

  • Personalized dashboard for each user
  • Progress bars and assignments tracking
  • Functionality for students, teachers and admins
  • Auto-generated email notifications and reminders
  • Store training content including videos and documents
  • Set up test questions and track performance related to content
  • Set up courses and assign training to employees

After the webinar, you can download the solution and try it yourself!

Aired: 14-Dec-2023 | Webinar |  Install | Description

Approvals come up in all kinds of business processes. SharePoint is the perfect place to manage approvals. What is the easiest way to implement an approval system in SharePoint? In our next webinar we’ll demonstrate an approval system that is easy to set up and includes all the functionality you need for your multi-step approval process.

  • Dynamically set the number of approvers.
  • Include easy approval buttons built into the form.
  • Color code each approval status.
  • Include automatic approval history tracking.
  • Send automatic approval email notifications.
  • Set up a dynamic dashboard with KPI tracking.
  • Manage approvals quickly and easily.

Join us to learn how to easily set up your own SharePoint Approval system!

Aired: 16-Nov-2023 | Webinar |  Install | Description

We all deal with web forms in our jobs every day. It’s easy to fall into a familiar pattern when building them. We expect limitations and don’t realize there are better ways to engage users. In our next webinar, we’ll show ten ways that dynamic functionality can be added to SharePoint Forms to improve the user experience. Here is some of the functionality that will be shown:

  • In form history tracking.
  • Dynamic use of illustrations to guide users.
  • Dynamically updated process diagram.
  • Real time field validation with highlighting.
  • Filtered dropdown choice fields.
  • Conditionally show and hide form sections.
  • Color coded status indicators and icons.
  • Form completion progress indicator. (And more!)

If you are looking for ways to build smarter user-friendly SharePoint forms then please join us for our next presentation!

Aired: 19-Oct-2023 | Webinar |  Install | Description

Successful organizations need skilled workers. An effective Job Application System is essential to building successful teams. Candidates should be able to apply directly through your public web site. Using Ultimate Forms, you can set up your own custom job application form in SharePoint that also appears on your public web site. Manage your applicants securely in SharePoint adding notes and working through the hiring process.

In our next webinar, we will demonstrate a complete applicant tracking system that you can set up in SharePoint to streamline your job application and hiring process.

  • Create your own custom job application form with any fields needed.
  • Include custom validation to collect required information.
  • Candidates can attach resume, cover letter and other files.
  • Custom confirmation screen when submitting application.
  • Include your own branding colors and logo.
  • Manage applicants in SharePoint using hiring stages and adding notes.
  • Send automatic email notifications to applicants with one click.

Join us to learn how to set up your own custom job application system using SharePoint!

What is right for you?

Online Trial

Not ready to install yet? Create a trial site in our environment
  • Full control of the site and its settings
  • Optionally pre-install one of our solution templates
  • Site provisioned instantly
  • Automatically removed after 30 days
  • Available to everyone!


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Install in your own environment, on Microsoft 365 and on premises
  • Start working with real users and data
  • Install online or on premises
  • Register for 30 day trial
  • Seemlessly convert to paid license
  • Requires administrator permissions


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