Import adds advanced data importing capabilities to SharePoint lists and document libraries. Define profiles, which include the import schedule, connection to mailbox, database table or a web service and Create, Update and Sync actions to enable automatic polling and import of mail messages, database table/view rows or web service objects.

You can create as many profiles as you need for every list or library, each importing data from a different source and then use that data to create new items and/or update existing ones.

When using the Office 365 version, please note the following differences:


  1. You can import directly from Exchange mailboxes of your organization. No need to set up a connection or provide the server address. It is however required that the first profile is created by a global administrator of the Azure AD domain. The administrator will be prompted for consent to allow the app to read all mailboxes. Additional profiles can be created by SharePoint site administrators.
  2. The version available in Office Store has several limitations, due to restrictions applied to store apps. To get the full version, download .app file from our website and install it through your enterprise catalog.

Also read these:
Last modified: 1/29/2020 7:51 PM

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