Working with Office Group sites
Vladi Gubler
Vladi Gubler
March 30, 2018 | General


UPDATE: Starting with version 1.4.0, you no longer need this permission if you are only working with modern forms. Make sure to upgrade to the latest version as soon as possible.

NOTE: the following applies to some Modern sites as well, even when they are not group sites. Additionally, we strongly recommend enabling Custom Script in SharePoint Admin settings. When Custom Scripting is disabled, SharePoint might start reverting the changes below on its own.

You are probably already aware of the new Office Group sites you can set up in Office 365. They allow close integration between groups and their SharePoint data. 

One major difference between regular SharePoint site collections and the ones created from groups is that the latter will by default have a Deny permisson for Add and Customize pages. Which means that users cannot modify the site page and as the result, Ultimate Forms cannot modify forms either. Once you install Ultimate Forms on your group site, it won't be able to use any of the form-related features, such as tabs, validation rules, etc.

Luckily, it can be easily fixed using PowerShell, please read this documentation article to download and run the script.

Or, if you prefer, you can execute a similar script manually:

  1. If you haven't done so, install SharePoint Online Management Shell
  2. Run the following commands, replace <tenant> (for example, if your site is, your tenant name is "example", so the full tenant URL would be with your tenant name and <url> with the site URL, such as Note that your site URL and the tenant URL are not the same.
    1. Connect-SPOService -Url "https://<tenant>"
    2. Set-SPOSite -Identity <url> -DenyAddAndCustomizePages $false
    3. Set-SPOTenant -DelayDenyAddAndCustomizePagesEnforcement $True

UPDATE: Note this setting will be available until November 2024, after which it will be no longer possible to persist the removal of the Deny permissions. You should upgrade to version 1.4.0 if you haven't done so yet and switch to using Modern forms only.


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