Our Alert component is becoming even better! We rolled out a new version that contains the following exciting features:
- Alerts based on items matching conditions - until now, you could only send an alert when an item was added, modified, deleted, etc. or based on a date column (such as 2 days before the due date). With this new option, you can send an alert based on the current state of the items in a list (such as send me all the tasks that are still open on a weekly basis). You just select the option "All items according to conditions" and enter one or more conditions below. Note that at least one of the condition must be a "static" one, meaning that it does not reference any field values or functions on the right hand side. For instance, Status equals Completed is a static condition, but Status equals [Previous Status] (Previous Status being a column in the list) is a dynamic one. You can use dynamic conditions as well, as long as there is at least one static one.
Additionally such alerts can only be sent on a daily/weekly/monthly basis. Specify when you want it to be delivered and it will send the items that pass the conditions at that time.
I'd like to take this opportunity to give a quick overview of the delivery options. By default, each alert is delivered individually, in a separate email. When alerts are set to be delivered immediately, that's the only option available. But when you are using daily/weekly/monthly options, you can combine your alerts into one email. Here you can choose to combine the alerts in their original format (based on mail template of your design) or use the Summary mode. In Summary mode, the mail template is not used. Instead, each alerts gets one line inside the summary, such as Item A has been updated. It is not configurable, but you can add your own header and footer to the email. A cool feature is that when you create alerts with the same name and sending at the same time, they can be combined into one email even when the alerts are coming from different site of the site collection. - Monthly option - until now the alerts could be sent immediately or on a daily/weekly basis. Following customer requests we added the Monthly option as well, so you can send your alerts on a specific day of the month.
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