

The product is a web part that provides advanced filtering capabilities to various web parts capable of consuming filtering through web part connections. These include the majority of data-oriented web parts, such as the built-in List View web parts, Data View web parts and many others.

In Microsoft 365, you can only connect the Filter control to Chart amd Rollup controls

These are the main capabilities added to SharePoint by this product:

  1. Multiple filters can be hosted in one web part.
  2. Many different filter types provided, such as:
    1. Text – free text entry.
    2. Number – number/currency, including range validation.
    3. Date – date picker.
    4. Choice – single and multiple selection from a list of values.
    5. Lookup – single and multiple selection of item values from a list located in the current site or any other site in the site collection. Cascading relationships between multiple lookup filter can be easily established.
    6. User/Group – user/group picker.
    7. Form – parameters passed by URL or POST form values.
    8. Current Item – when the web part is placed on publishing page or list form, filters according to properties of the current list item.
  3. Interactive and hidden filters can be created.
  4. Default value can be specified for any filter.
  5. Horizontal and vertical layouts supported, with automatic row/column breaks.
Last modified: 6/20/2022 8:50 PM

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